Cyclone Bomb Refuge

Dodged the raindrops to meet a pal at Peet’s during the big “Cyclone Bomb” storm of January 2023.

Dry and warm inside, we had the “Big Bang” medium roast.

I made these portraits of the hot bombshell on the half shell at the next table.

Thanks for stopping by, stay tuned for more coffee shop chatter from Photojimsf.

I thought I was on Mars

Looking out my window about this time one year ago, at about 10:30 a.m.

The sky was a bloody orange from all the smoke from the wildfires.

I’m just glad I didn’t bring any children into this filthy greedy mercenary short-sighted drying up from climate change world.

Swirls Of Raisins And Nothingness

Happy Sunday. It’s turned out to be a pretty nothing day. Being that it is Sunday the day of rest.

I should be wrestling with my MailChimp account and firing off the latest email marketing campaign.

Yet all I can think of is first holy communion Easter raisin bread. Mom used to make it when I was a youngster. We made some in her honor last week on Mother’s day and I can’t get enough of it.

So here’s to cravings, and swirls of raisins and nothingness on Sundays!

Special thanks to Church Street Cafe in SF for the perfect cup of coffee and raisin swirl for a nothing kind of a day.

We celebrated mother’s day at my brother’s this year. Sis and I baked a couple of loafs in Mom’s honor. Here she is:


Here’s the closest thing I could find recipe wise on YouTube: